House Cleaning Portland OR

10 Secrets for House Cleaning Portland OR

In this article, we’ll discuss some secrets for house cleaning Portland OR to maintain a clean home. Maintaining a clean home can be a daunting task, but it’s important to do so in order to maintain a healthy environment. With these ten secrets to keeping your house clean all the time, you’ll be able to easily keep your place looking great without spending hours on end cleaning!

House Cleaning Services
House Cleaning Services
  1. Keep a Cleaning Schedule: Creating and maintaining a cleaning schedule is one of the best ways to ensure that your home stays clean at all times. Have a designated day for dusting, vacuuming, washing floors, and other tasks so that you can stay on top of things and keep the home tidy! 
  2. De-clutter Regularly: Clutter can quickly overtake your home, so it’s important to take the time to go through items regularly and donate or discard any that you no longer need. Doing this once a month will help keep your home free of dust-collecting clutter. 
  3. Make Your Bed: Making your bed every morning is a small task that goes a long way towards making your home feel clean and organized. It only takes a few minutes, and makes your bedroom feel much more inviting! 
  4. Clean as You Go: Spend a few minutes wiping down countertops, sweeping up crumbs, or tidying the living room while you wait for dinner to cook. Doing this on a regular basis will help keep your home looking neat and clean without having to spend hours on end cleaning. 
  5. Vacuum Regularly: Dust and dirt can quickly accumulate in carpets and rugs, so it’s important to vacuum regularly — at least once a week — to keep them looking their best. Pay special attention to areas that get lots of foot traffic like hallways and entryways! 
  6. Clean Your Bathroom: Make sure to clean your bathroom regularly. Wipe down the sink, tub, and toilet after use, and don’t forget to mop or scrub the floors each week. Keeping these areas germ-free using natural cleaners is key for a healthy environment! 
  7. Take Out the Trash: Taking out the trash regularly is an important part of keeping your home clean. Set up a schedule so you don’t forget – take it out when it’s full or at least once a week. 
  8. Dust Every Surface: Dirt and dust can accumulate in places that you may not think to look like ceiling fans, window sills, shelves, and furniture. Use a damp cloth to wipe down all surfaces every few weeks to keep them looking nice and clean! 
  9. Do Laundry Regularly: Doing a load of laundry at least once a week will help prevent clutter from piling up and keep your home looking neat. Make sure to fold and put away the laundry as soon as it’s done so that you don’t have piles of clean clothing lying around the house. 
  10. Think Ahead: Before leaving your home for the day, do a quick scan of the house to make sure everything is in order. This will ensure that when you come back, you won’t be greeted by a cluttered mess!

With these tips, Portland OR residents can easily keep their homes clean and organized without spending hours on end cleaning. With these helpful hints, you’ll be able to maintain a tidy home all year round! 

House Cleaning
House Cleaning
2455 NW Nicolai St Suite B-E13, Portland, OR 97210
(503) 303-6990


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