How Do I Clean Sticky Dust From My Ceiling Fan?

Disgusting ceiling fan dirt can put a damper on your day. When your dirty fan is on, it is a focus of attention. It can also be an embarrassment when guests come over for a visit if it is unclean. However, gross sticky dirt does not have to continue to be an eyesore. Exploring different ways to effectively clean the dust off of your ceiling fan will leave you in awe.

Use Baby Wipes For Your Dirty Fan

Nasty dirt on your ceiling fan can be gross to look at. Fortunately there is a great way to get rid of old dirt. Using baby wipes on your ceiling fan will remove the dirt successfully if it is not greasy. By starting at the canopy and working your way down to the downrod and motor housing your fan will have a glorious look once it is clean.

Get Rid of Kitchen Grease On Your Ceiling Fan

If your ceiling fan has kitchen grease on it, you may feel like the old grease will be stuck on it forever. Have no fear, even the old disgusting kitchen grease on your ceiling fan can be cleaned off. With a good household cleaner and a damp sponge, your ceiling fan will have its restored cleanliness. After wiping them down and letting them dry, touch them for a few minutes to see if the grease is gone.

Use A Pillowcase To Trap Ceiling Fan Dirt

Once you start the cleaning process of your ceiling fan, using a pillowcase to trap the dirt will help with making less of a mess during the cleaning process. Placing the blade inside of the pillowcase will make it easier to clean the dirt off. Once your fan is clean, you will be ready to cool down with your clean fan.


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Of all the rooms in a house, kitchens usually require the most cleaning. Messes build up after every meal, dishes are left in a pile, and your compost fills up faster than you can take it out. Cleaning can seem like a daunting task. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the right know-how, you can take simple, everyday steps to keep your kitchen clean and fresh without any complicated tools.

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