The Top Six Hardest Foods to Clean Out of Your Oven

There will always be a much-adored love for your favorite foods, but what happens if your favorite foods end up sticking to your oven? Once food sticks to the inside of your oven, it can be hard to get off. While you may have some success with removing the food that has stuck around, depending on the food, you may have to put in a little extra care to ensure it is removed properly from your oven. 

Bacon Grease

While the smell of bacon is one that can make anyone hungry, once bacon gets hot, the oil and fat will spray all over the oven leaving one big oily mess. The hot grease can also create smoke and soot in your oven, causing the grease to be baked onto your oven. However, there is a way to cook your bacon in the oven without worrying about the messy cleanup. By cooking the bacon in foil, with a lid, or in small amounts, you will not have to worry about bacon fat making your oven greasy and taking time out of your day to remove it.

Lasagna or Anything With A Lot of Cheese

You’ve waited all week to have your famous lasagna, but the cheesy goodness from this dish can quickly turn your oven from clean to a cheesy dirty nightmare. Even though most cheese dishes do not typically overflow in the dish at room temperature, once it is placed inside of the oven, the non-watertight containers can quickly fall victim to an overflowing mess of cheese spilling over onto your oven. The burnt-on cheese can be almost impossible to remove and will test any cleaner used to remove it. 


Similar to bacon, sausages are capable of making a big mess in your oven because they can explode everywhere. However, if they are punctured correctly, then the only thing you may have to worry about is the grease from the sausage spitting out. But if you puncture the sausage the wrong way, the mess your sausage will make will be unthinkable and you may even have to spend a considerable amount of time just to clean it up.

Roasted Chicken

While the taste of delicious and tender roasted chicken can leave your mouth watering, the high-grease dish can easily make your oven a greasy mess. With basting being a big part of making sure your chicken comes out delicious, the oils and grease will evaporate from the chicken into the oven, making it hard to clean. If left for too long, the grease can give other dirt in your oven something to adhere to, which can become a dirty hard-to-clean nightmare. 

Anything Honey Glazed

Anything with sugar, honey, or molasses in it, puts your oven at risk of a spill happening. Once sugar hits your hot oven, it will be next to impossible to remove and will burn for a long time until it is removed. Burnt sugar in your oven will also create a huge amount of smoke if it is not cleaned. If you are wanting to cook your favorite sugary dish, it is best to make sure that your dish doesn’t have the opportunity to overflow.

Baked Potato

Unlike many other greasy foods, baked potatoes can potentially explode without a reason at all. If your baked potato does explode, you can expect starchy chunks of it to fly all over your oven with some of the chunks possibly being dry and powdery. If dried out by the heat, the potatoes could burn and will begin to smoke. Unfortunately, you may also be faced with cleaning a big mess, if the potato is embedded in grease.

Cooking your favorite meals may be something delicious and amazing to look forward to but it is important to cook with caution and care and making sure that your food is properly dished and your oven is clean before every meal preparation will eliminate the worry of food sticking around in your oven and becoming a dirty problem.

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5 Tips for Stress-Free Holiday House Cleaning. Holiday house cleaning is the last thing you want to worry about during this busy season. 

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Of all the rooms in a house, kitchens usually require the most cleaning. Messes build up after every meal, dishes are left in a pile, and your compost fills up faster than you can take it out. Cleaning can seem like a daunting task. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the right know-how, you can take simple, everyday steps to keep your kitchen clean and fresh without any complicated tools.

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