What Should I Clean Everyday After My Kids Come Home From School?

Is your home always left in a frenzy when your children get home from school? The busy day and the events that happened throughout the day can make it easy for things to get messy and unorganized. From work to preparing dinner, the life of a parent is neverending, which is why it is important to keep the structure and cleanliness of your home in place. However, in order for your home to keep its clean and beautiful appearance, you need to know which areas of the home must be cleaned and maintained.

Clean Your Electronics

Electronics, like phones, iPods, tablets, and computers are more than likely the filthiest in your home and depending on the usage, may possibly be the hardest to maintain. With homework, looking for recipes, playing games, and surfing the internet being done regularly, making sure your devices are clean, will eliminate the worry of germs and dirt building up to become a disgusting mess. You can also get rid of the worry by placing your devices in protective cases for easier cleaning.

Leave the Backpacks at the Door

With your children toting around their backpacks all day every day, it is easy for them to get dirty. While at school your children may leave them on the floor and may even come into contact with other children throughout the day, which means more dirt and germs. Fortunately, there is a way to keep the gathered dirt and germs at bay. Having your children leave their bookbags at the door when coming home, will remove the worry of dirt infesting your home. If your child’s backpack is machine washable, then having them remove all of their belongings and washing it at least once a week, will ensure their backpack is always clean and maintained. Once the backpack is washed, you can leave it outside to sun dry if the weather permits.

Wipe Down the School Supplies

A lot of homework is a very common thing when children go back to school. So, if you are helping them with their homework, making sure their books and supplies are wiped down once they return from school will put you at ease. If you touch their school supplies or books while helping them with their homework, washing your hands afterward will also get rid of the fear of germs spreading.

While the hustle and bustle of going back to school can be hectic. Maintaining the cleanliness and health of your home is important and having a routine will help.


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