Top 5 Reasons December Cleaning Is Fun

With the holidays around the corner, making sure your home is clean for the holiday guests is a priority. Keeping your floors cleaned and shelves dusted can be a challenge and somewhat boring if there is no fun behind cleaning. This is why finding ways to make cleaning fun is a good way to get over the feeling of dread. Instead of the long monotonous feeling of never ending work, replace that feeling with motivation of having a fresh clean home.

Throw On the Christmas Music

What better way to clean a home in December than to clean while listening to Christmas classics? Cleaning your home while listening to Christmas music will not only bring a fresh cleanliness for the holidays but also a festive feeling. Your clean home may even help with getting the rest of your family ready for the festive holiday.

Use Festive Smelling Soap

When cleaning your home, step away from using the basic cleaning soaps to clean your home and try a soap that will bring in the holidays with good scents. Scented soaps with pine tree, mint, or cranberry can bring the love of the season and a clean home to life. Once friends and family come over to visit your clean scented home, it will be adored even more.

Invite Friends Over

Take away the boredom of cleaning  and invite friends over to help you. Catching up while cleaning your home can be a fun and memorable moment. The upside of having friends over for a day of cleaning and organizing can also turn into another cleaning date in the future.

Make Your Decorations Stand Out

The fun in cleaning doesn’t just have to be for making your house clean for your holiday guests, but also for making the beauty of your decorations stand out. With a nice clean home the feeling of Christmas will be in the air once the decorations welcome your guests. Your clean home will truly feel more like Christmas with the sparkle and glow of your decorations.

Keep Yourself Warm

If you are someone who is always cold, doing a little dusting and vacuuming will keep you nice and warm. While you are at it throw on some classic seasonal music and get yourself some hot chocolate ready for when you are finished. Once you are finished, you will be able to continue to stay warm while enjoying the cleanliness and beauty of your festive home.


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Of all the rooms in a house, kitchens usually require the most cleaning. Messes build up after every meal, dishes are left in a pile, and your compost fills up faster than you can take it out. Cleaning can seem like a daunting task. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the right know-how, you can take simple, everyday steps to keep your kitchen clean and fresh without any complicated tools.

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