What Food Needs to Be Thrown Out for National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day?

Do you still have that old pasta dinner from last week in your refrigerator? What about the chicken from the dinner party? Keeping old food in your refrigerator can turn into a disgusting and smelly eyesore if you have no plans of eating the leftovers. Food from dinner parties and lunch dates can be an overwhelming site if you do not throw away your old food. However, if you have kept your food in the refrigerator because you hate wasting food, making sure you have your out of date food in the trash by National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day will eliminate food with mold from staying in your refrigerator any longer.

Throw Away Outdated Food

Foods, such as outdated dairy products and old fruit and vegetables are food that should be thrown away. The expiration date usually tells you when it is time to throw dairy products out. However, food that changes color or has mold on it, such as produce, is a sign that it must be thrown out. Condiments, like sour cream or a jar of salsa have expiration dates as well, but sometimes looking for mold growth helps with knowing when it is time to throw it away. 

What Should I Do With Food I Don’t Want?

If you have food that you are not planning on eating but is not expired, giving it away to a food drive will help with getting your refrigerator clean. This will also help you feel better about not wasting it by throwing it away. You can give the food to family and friends or to the homeless if there are homeless in your area as well. If you have frozen food that has been living in your freezer for a long time, you may want to either throw it away or give it away to a food drive. Clearing out your freezer will make room for other things you love to eat. 

While cleaning out your refrigerator can be a time consuming task, once it is done, you will be able to put foods in your refrigerator you can enjoy.

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Of all the rooms in a house, kitchens usually require the most cleaning. Messes build up after every meal, dishes are left in a pile, and your compost fills up faster than you can take it out. Cleaning can seem like a daunting task. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the right know-how, you can take simple, everyday steps to keep your kitchen clean and fresh without any complicated tools.

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