What House Chores Do I Need To Do For Thanksgiving?

So it’s that time of year again and it is time to clean your home for the Thanksgiving holiday. After a year of overlooking clutter, dirt, and grime, many of the rooms in your home need a whole new makeover and what better time to do it than now? Cleaning the most overlooked areas will make the rooms of your home standout even more. Whether you are trying to make the exterior or interior areas of your home stand out, a perfectly clean home will welcome your holiday guests.

Rake the Leaves

While the inside of your home may need major cleaning, nothing says welcome like a clean lawn. Raking the leaves up in your yard and making your yard look perfect will make you feel accomplished after checking it off of your to do list. Friends and family will also appreciate the cleanliness after a long road trip to visit.

Wash and Iron Tablecloths

If your tablecloths have been stored for a long time, now is the time to get them out to wash and iron them for your Thanksgiving guests. Having old food stains on your tablecloths while serving Thanksgiving dinner can quickly change the appetites of those visiting. Your guests may also question the cleanliness of your home.

Clean Out A Closet

Before your family and friends arrive for great holiday memories, cleaning out the closet may be a good idea. Having somewhere to hang coats and purses once your guests arrive will eliminate worrying about where they will put their coats and purses or having to leave them in the car. Cleaning out a closet may even help with clearing out any clutter that has taken over your closet. 

Clean the Window Sills and Other Dusty Places

Making sure that you clean your window sills and other places that guests may lean on when talking is important. The last thing family and friends want to worry about is if their new holiday outfit has dirt on it because of the dust around your home. So taking a duster to the window sills and other dusty areas in your home will help with eliminating the worry about dust getting on your guests’ clothes.

While it may be easy to overlook certain areas in your home, making sure all of the overlooked areas are properly cleaned will ensure you and your family have great memories for years to come.


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Of all the rooms in a house, kitchens usually require the most cleaning. Messes build up after every meal, dishes are left in a pile, and your compost fills up faster than you can take it out. Cleaning can seem like a daunting task. However, it doesn’t have to be. With the right know-how, you can take simple, everyday steps to keep your kitchen clean and fresh without any complicated tools.

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